60th Birthday Party
April 19, 2010 , Rosana LI
Dear Fionz
Please accept my heartfelt gratitude in attending my 60th Birthday Party.
It is a blessing that the dinner turned out to be a fantastic event. Thanks to all my very honor and special guests. You are all very involved and have a good heart to feel the atmosphere of the evening. Without you, it could not have been so successful. I should not forget the 3 MC's, Catherine (my alumnae junior), Toby (the singing engineer) and Fionz. All 3 of them are wonderful and could bring out the right atmosphere at the right timing. They all worked for free and even donated money. I could not go without giving them credit, as I owe them a round of applause. Fion is a professional MC. Should you need her service, please browse her website at www.fionzchan.com.
I am sure that the 2 charities, “Home Care For Girls” and “Youth Outreach” will receive much more exposure through you.
Enclosed is photo of the evening for your album.
Wishing you and your family all the very best.
Yours sincerely,
Rosana LI
Bobo & Aston Wedding
Excelsior Hotel
每對新人都想有一個獨一無二的婚禮及宴會, 身為過來人, 我認為找一個經驗豐富的婚禮統籌顧問是一個很重要的選擇。
Fionz是我的婚禮統籌顧問, 選擇她的主因是經驗。認識Fionz是因為工作關係, 當時她是一位社工。很記得與Fionz 合作的每一個活動, 參加者都能夠非常投入, 原因是設計的遊戲非常貼題, 而且有創意。 雖然只是一個小型的社區活動, 當中的細心籌劃及妥善安排, 可見Fionz 是用 「心」 去做每一個活動。
當計劃自己的人生大事, 凡事都非常緊張, 找一個能夠用 「心」 為你安排一切的婚禮統籌顧問是很重要的。幸運地, 得到Fionz的協助, 不但令我和丈夫有一個難忘的婚禮, 亦令賓客有一個賓至如歸的感覺。 就舉例說明一下其中一個用心去設計的遊戲, 因為Fionz 知道我和丈夫都非常喜歡小朋友, 因此, 就設計了一個 「為BB改名」 的遊戲。 直到現在, 我仍然很記得當時在座每位賓客, 無論是小朋友或長者, 都非常投入每一個遊戲。例如, 我媽媽的朋友當時提議 「羅萬有」, 因為如果嫁到一個姓包的丈夫, 就可以一世 「包羅萬有」。現在, 我的仔仔已經兩歲, 間中我地一家人, 甚至朋友都會記起我地的婚禮, 大讚非常成功!
謹此, 再次感謝Fion 的精心婚禮籌劃! 亦希望籍此機會與其他新人分享我和丈夫的喜悅經驗。 如果你都想找一個由心出發的婚禮統籌顧問, Fion 絕對是最適合的選擇。
ABC Family
Jessie and Kelvin Wong Wedding
25 April 2009, Lanham Hotel
傻傻的我們,還以為司儀只不過是在台上說說話,任誰也能勝任,即使做得再好,也只不過是按 ‘既定程序’ 道出所需的資料。可是,當我們經歷過當晚,親眼見到文慧出色的表現,她用心為我們服務,令我們心中不禁想道: Fionz十分了得,真的感到幸運能遇上她,並邀請了她作為我倆當晚的司儀! 原來一位有能耐,合適,稱心的司儀是那麼重要!
打從一開始,和Fionz見面,就覺得她談吐大方,得體,態度友善,她擁有一把清色而又鏗鏘的聲線,能讓人不知不覺間將你的注意力投放在她身上,加上她耐心聆聽我倆的要求,細心為我們思量了不少被我們遺漏的細節,她更體貼地為我們提供了許多寶貴的意見,盡心配合我倆的需要,在我們結婚晚宴中,Fionz不但能帶動在場的氣氛,凝聚到每一位嘉賓既注意力,更可令時間掌握和配合得宜,減少混亂,避免了 ‘蝦碌’ 事情的發生,最意想不到的是,她出色的表現,亦在場各親戚朋友們心目中,留下深刻的印象,希望我倆將Fionz介紹給她們快將結婚的朋友們認識! 所以,Fionz,多謝你! 你真是一位細心,體貼,周到,談吐大方的司儀! 我們相信,你將會是每一對新人婚宴司儀中的稱心之選!
Jessie and Kelvin Wong wedding 25 April 2009 Lanham Hotel
Your professional contribution has made our party a great successful this year!!!
On behalf of Human Health, we would like to express our sincere appreciation towards your support.
May our cooperation with you be long-termed and be more memorable in future.
With warmest regards
Vienna Choi
Human Resources & Admin Manager
APSS, HKPU mentorship dinner
My heartiest congratulations on the success of a most enjoyable and fruitful AGM and mentorship dinner. Well done to all the hard work of the members. I was impressed that so many committee members helped in the event. Without the wonderful leadership of our chairman, Jessie and two vice-chairmen (Fionz and Choi Chung Fai), the function would not be as smooth-running. MC was the soul of the dinner and Fionz had done a marvellous job, as usual. Special thanks also go to Catherine and Simon for their efforts in the administrative support.
I am sure we (the APSSGA and APSS) will continue to work as impeccable partners in serving our alumni ,department and the University.
Our team looks forwards to many more successful collaborations in the coming year, especially the 3rd outstanding alumni award.
Have a nice weekend
Vivian and Eric Wedding
JW Marriot hotel
Eric and I were just too lucky to have some many talented friends and Fion is definitely one of the best. She just know what to do on the stage and make this professionally done with her cheerful smile
Rotary Club of Metropolitan HK
7 July
Dear Fionz,
Thank you so much for your great MC performance last Saturday, 7 Jul, which was much applauded by the audience right at the spot, and for which I also received much favorable feedback afterwards. So please accept by hearty gratitude and also congratulations on a job well done.
I will certainly keep your resume with the pleasure of introducing you to other rotary clubs/organizations and friends who may need similar services for their functions.
With best regards
HW Fung
Rotary Club of Metropolitan HK
Shuk Wah and Charles Sliver Annversay
Dear Fionz,
Thank you so much for your Professional MC services performed in our Silver Anniversary Celebration Party, You have managed the rundown and floor well to fit our needs. Your thoughtfulness to let us holding balloons into the Veune have received overwhelming admiration from the floor !
Shuk Wah and I truly fill the warmth and love you have imparted into our Party , and we also appreciate your meaningful gifts.
Fionz, thank you again and we are lucky to have you as MC for this meaningful and unforgettable party, we will always cherish the beautiful memories in this evening with you all.
Shuk Wah and Charles